Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Rain is back

Today I was able to pull myself away from all of the fun that goes with being a new Dad and go to school with Mike to work on my Pro Cert. If you know what that means, you're either saying one of two things: I'm glad I'm not him, I'm done with that, or, I'm glad I never had to do that in the first place. Anyway, I'm glad I put some time in early because my friend Eric called and we all went to play frisbee golf. The timing was great because just as we were getting finished, it started to rain. If you want to see some video of me making a fool out of myself, you'll have to wait until google finishes reviewing it. I'm really enjoying family time now because we have a little one to take care of but because of school classes it seems there's never any time during the week. Just take a look at some of the pics below and you'll understand why I would like to spend more time at home. (Wouldn't we all) Here's a link to some video of Jaden. However, if you're the type who is offended easily, you might not want to watch it. Let's just say there's a little bathroom humor involved!

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