Friday, February 22, 2008

Call me

As you can see, there is a new call me button on the right. Give it a try. You can leave me a voicemail if you want, and if you tell me to, I'll post it on my blog. Here's an example of my first recorded call with my wife as I am giving Jaden a bath.


Mr. E. said...

Wow ... Jenelle sounds so excited I think I'm going to have to try this!


Mr. E. said...

The dumb call thing doesn't work. I tried it twice.


Mr. E. said...

Wow, such new and interesting content! I am so excited to read your blog every morning. I wake up excitedly, run to the computer and say yet again and again, "Ken's blog is so amazing and thought-provoking!" Thank you, Ken, for this amazing bit of work.
